I Am By Your Side

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Description: Ending (English version of Watashi ga Soba ni Iru)

Lyric by Trish Ledoux

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Would you say that a girl alone, on her own
Should struggle quite so hard?
Is it fair that a girl like you, who never knew
Should be asked to atone?

Would you say:
"Hey, my life's not meant to be this way"
(Would you, pretty please...?)

If that's so--
If givin' up's the point've bein' grown--
I'd rather make-believe.

Key, you don't know
Just how long that I've been watching you...
Key, you don't know
How I wanna be the one who's there for you.

Now don't you dare say you'll go away;
I'm tellin' you, I mean to stay;
All your tears; all your cries and sobs:
I'll be waitin' to kiss away.

And when your thoughts keep you awake...
Just a call is all it'll take
Key, you know...
I'll never do a thing you don't ask of me
No matter what it takes....
I'll be here for you.

Transliterated by mkfausto

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