Idol Talk

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Album / Collection: The Cream P-U-F
Track # 2

Description: Insert

Lyrics: Gabriela Robin, Akino Arai
Music: Yoko Kanno
Arranged by: Yoko Kanno

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from
Un peu de bleu
Pour noir de la matiere
Un peu de bleu
Tu te prends pour un chat
Comme un jour de la vie

Lyrics from
A little blue
For the black of the matter
A little blue
You're caught like a cat
Just like a day in the life

Lyrics from
Une poupée de cire dans soala
C'est trop! qui sur la console
Ombrage, orage, oh, oh**
C'est amour, amour, oh no

Lyrics from
A wax doll that's left in the sun*
Too much! It's past consolation
Shade, storm, oh, oh
It's love, love, oh no

Lyrics from
Quele, quele?
Bouche encorner quele
Non, non petit personage
Passé, passé heures
Comme par le passé
Non, non, petition naire rien

Lyrics from
Which, which
Which lips did you take?***
No, it's no-one special
Passing, passing time
Just like passing
No, arguing means nothing

Lyrics from
Quele, quele?
Bouche encorner quele
Non, non petit personage
Passé, passé heures
Comme par le passé
Non, non petit en vouloir

Lyrics from
Which, which
Which lips did you take
No, it's no-one special
Passing, passing time
Just like passing
No, a small desire

This insert song, sung during the concert scene, is sung in French. The lyrics have been taken from the CD booklet. * The world "soala" doesn't exist except as a small town near Burkina Faso. I hear it as "soleil" and so have translated it as "sun". ** The CD booklet reads "Ombrdge, ordge, oh oh" which seems to be a typo using the D as an A. *** The lyrics literally say "which mouth is gored". It could be translated as "who's lips did you kiss?" but the lyrics make it seem more like a very possessive kiss.

Translated and transliterated by Mosey

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