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- Wolf's Rain
- Amore Amaro - Bitter Love
Amore Amaro |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
il tuo fragile corpo e ad ogni incerto passo poi venirti in aiuto e stringerti con passione a me | your frail body and coming to your aid in every unsteady step and hugging you with passion |
nati do un puro sentimento io ti darei tutto, tutto quello che tu vuoi ma la libert� no, non te la do | born from a pure feeling I would give you everythig, everything you want but not freedom, I’m not giving it to you |
pero io sono nato libero che Amore amaro il tuo, ch� t'ha preso nella morsa e di te non ha piet� | but I was born free what a Bitter Love of yours, that caught you in a grip and has no mercy of you. |
- taken from the Wolf's Rain OST2 booklet
Transliterated by weazul-chan <[email protected]> Translated by Okami Blue
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