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- GOMI Tame Mitai na Machi de Ore-tachi wa Deatta - We Met on the Streets Like Trash
GOMI Tame Mitai na Machi de Ore-tachi wa Deatta |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kuso mitai na machi de otona wa minna mesubito ka hitogoroshi gakidomo wa minna norainu GOMI tamemitai na machi de ore-tachi wa deatta | The town is like garbage, the adults all thieves and murderers, the children like stray mutts We met on the streets like trash |
kono machi wa sonna gakidomo ga ikiru ni wa sukoshi bakari kitsui basho datta sonna seikatsu kara nukedasu ni wa shudan wa hitotsu shika nakatta | These are the brats that live in this town, a somewhat rough place To get out of a life like that, there's only one way |
hodoku koto yori mo musubu hou ga zutto muzukashii | Untangling the ties that bind us is always difficult |
...shudan wa hitotsu shika nakatta | ...There's only one way |
Transliterated by Rei
Translated by Lithiumflower
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