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- Ai wa No Return - Love is No Return
Ai wa No Return |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ima sara oso-sugiru kedo LOVIN' YOU | Finally, it's a bit late but, lovin' you |
Omae no kokoro ga shiritai | I want to understand your heart |
Ai to iu nazo wo Kono mune ni omae dake ga kizamitsuketa no sa Ima sara NO RETURN Wo oh oh Sagashite mo muda sa Kuyande mo mou omae wa tooi maboroshi sa Aishite 'ru no ni | A puzzle called love Only you have been etched in my heart Finally no return, wo oh oh There's no point in searching Lamenting that you're a distant illusion I love you |
Jikan wo maki modosetara LOVIN' YOU | If I could rewind time, lovin' you |
Ashita e hashiri nukete yuku | Run through to tomorrow |
Sayonara mo tsugezu Kieta no wa mada omae wo aishite iru kara Kono mama NO RETURN Wo oh oh Hoshikuzu no machi ga Kiete yuku kono jikan wo wasurenai darou Mou aenai | Don't say goodbye You've gone but I still love you From here it's no return, wo oh oh The city of stardust Has disappeared, but we won't forget this time, right? We won't meet again |
Ai to iu nazo wo Kono mune ni omae dake ga kizamitsuketa no sa Ima sara NO RETURN Wo oh oh Sagashite mo muda sa Kuyande mo mou omae wa tooi maboroshi sa Aishite 'ru no ni | A puzzle called love Only you have been etched in my heart Finally no return, wo oh oh There's no point in searching Lamenting that you're a distant illusion I love you |
Sayonara mo tsugezu Kieta no wa mada omae wo aishite iru kara Kono mama NO RETURN Wo oh oh Hoshikuzu no machi ga Kiete yuku kono jikan wo wasurenai darou Mou aenai | Don't say goodbye You're gone but I still love you From here it's no return, wo oh oh The city of stardust Has disappeared, but we won't forget this time, right? We won't meet again |
Transliterated by SakuraFox512
Translated by Lithiumflower
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