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- COSUPURE no Kokoroe - The Gift of Cosplay
COSUPURE no Kokoroe |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Otsukaeshimasu, sonoki desu Okaerinasaimase, MY MASTER Okaerinasaimase MY-MY MASTER! | I will serve you, that's what I mean Most humbly welcome home, GOSHUUJIN-SAMA Most humbly welcome home, GO-GOSHUUJIN-SAMA! |
Ganbarimashou ne (hi, hi, hi) PERFECT! Watashitachi Moe ga taihen daisuki | I'll, like, totally do my best (hi, hi, hi) KANPEKI! We all Can't get enough of that moe!** |
LUCKY desu-desu Motto shiritai koto ga arisugiru yo JAPAN nite benkyou shikkari shimashou Sorega O.T.K.! | I'm, like, so lucky! There's just too many things I still want to learn I'll work hard and study Japan And that's an O.T.K.!*** |
COLORFUL ISLAND - Utattara odore! | SENREI NA SHIMA - If you're singing, you gotta dance! |
Ko-koro no naka ga daiji Narikiri-kiri-kiri CHARAKUTA Omukaeshimasuwa YES WELCOME! | It's the precious center of my heart I've so totally become my character Allow me to greet you...IRASSHAIMASE! |
Otsukaeshimasu, yaruki desu | I will serve you, I think I can do it! |
Fukkura SUKA-TO (wai, wai, wai) ELEGANCE! Mitame kara Moe no hajimaridesukara | Give me this puffed-out skirt SHOUHINTEKI! Right before our eyes The moe begins! |
HAPPY age age Zutto kokoni itai to omoimashita JAPAN dewa jibun rashiku tanoshiku Yume no A.K.B! | Like, SHIAWASE, yo! I think I'd like to stay here forever Japan is so fun, it like, totally suits me My dreamland of A.K.B.! # |
ENTRY CULTURE - Hiromenakya mumei | HAIRERU BUNKA - There's so much nobody knows! |
Katte ne Konata to issho Shimekiri-kiri-kiri RECO-DINGU Ganbarimashitatyo, NO PROBLEM! | With Konata There's this recording that's gonna disappear any day We totally did our best, so MONDAI NAI! |
(Hare-hare yukai ne!) Pare pare de, pare-pare de (Saikyou pare-parade ne!) Motteke de, mo-te-ke de (Motteke SERA FUKU ne!) Kaeshite de, ka-e-shi-te de (Kaeshite NEE SOKUSU ne!) | (Like, "Hare-Hare Yukai!") Pare pare...pare-pare! (Like, "Saikyou Para-Parade!") Motteke...mo-te-ke! (Like, "Motteke Sailor Fuku!") Kaeshite...ka-e-shi-te! (Like, "Kaeshite: Knee Socks!") |
COLORFUL ISLAND - Utattara odore! MYSTERY CULTURE - Ichibu dewa yuumei ENTRY CULTURE - Hiromenakya mumei | SENREI NA SHIMA - If you're singing, you gotta dance! FUSHIGI NA BUNKA - Like one percent is famous! HAIRERU BUNKA - There's so much nobody knows! |
Ko-koro no naka ga daiji Narikiri-kiri-kiri CHARAKUTA Omukaeshimasuwa YES WELCOME! | It's the precious center of my heart I've so totally become my character Allow me to greet you...IRASSHAIMASE! |
Otsukaeshimasu, sonoki desu Okaerinasaimase, MY MASTER Okaerinasaimase MY-MY MASTER! | I will serve you, that's what I mean Most humbly welcome home, GOSHUUJIN-SAMA Most humbly welcome home, GO-GOSHUUJIN-SAMA! |
Otsukaeshimasu, yaruki desu Itterashaimase, MY MASTER Itterashaimase, MY-MY MASTER! | I will serve you, I think I can do it Please travel safely, GOSHUUJIN-SAMA Please travel safely, GO-GOSHUUJIN-SAMA! |
General Notes:
-In this case it seemed especially apt to "reverse translate" the spurious English in the Japanese lyrics, into spurious Japanese for the English lyrics. The English has all been capped in the left-hand column (and the Japanese in the right-hand column) for ease of reference.
-In the liner notes Patti's text is partly rendered in katakana to reflect her "American accent." To my ear she sounds just like the Japanese girl her voice actress is, so I just gave her a bit of a valley girl thing to underline her "American-ness"
-Can I just say how hysterical I find this song? Who knew the Japanese had us figured out?
* More literally "the knowledge of cosplay," but to me in this context it implies a sort of esoteric knowledge
** As most probably know (certainly if you've seen Lucky Star), "moe" is a term difficult to translate, meaning roughly the intense feelings associated with anime/manga fandom
*** I can think of two plausible meanings of this acronym. The first and rather more disturbing "Over The Knee" (e.g. a spanking) resonates darkly with the theme of maids; on the other hand, "One Turn Kill" is Yu-Gi-Oh terminology a Wapanese like Patti might well be familiar with
@ Old-fashioned undergarments that gave ladies those enormous skirts
# This acronym on the other hand is certainly short for Akiba or Akihabara
% The meaning is hopefully clear; this is Patti "teaching" herself Japanese through the titles of other anime songs. The "echoes" in parentheses don't appear on the lyrics sheet but you can hear them.
Translated and transliterated by Sister Vigilante
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