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- Kemono no Yari - Beast Spear
Kemono no Yari |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ware ni chikara atae yo Ide yo jashin wo agameru youjuu Kudake kudake ankoku wo kudake | Grant me your power Come forth, demon who worships an evil god Crush, crush, crush the darkness |
Obieteru no wa dare da | am I supposed to be frightened? |
Kodoku wo hikisaki Kaze yori mo hayaku hashiridase ima sugu ni We were born to be free now Mirai no yukue wo habamumono subete ima sugu ni kudake kemono no yari de | Tear through the loneliness Right now run faster than the wind We were born to be free now All those who obstruct the way to the future, crush them right now with the beast spear |
Ware no jubaku wo hodoke Ide yo janen azawarau youjuu Kowase kowase seijaku wo kowase | Release me from my curse Come forth, demon who sneers at wickedness Destroy, destroy, destroy the stillness |
Furueteru no wa dare da | am I supposed to be trembling? |
Kanashimi kirisaki Sora yori mo takaku tobikoero tamerawazu We were born to be free now Mune ni himeta yuuki kegasumono subete Tamerawazu kowase kemono no yari de | Tear through the sadness without any hesitation rise higher than the sky We were born to be free now All those who disgrace the courage within our hearts, destroy them without hesitation with the beast spear |
Kodoku wo hikisaki Kaze yori mo hayaku hashiridase ima sugu ni We were born to be free now Mirai no yukue wo habamumono subete ima sugu ni kudake kemono no yari de | Tear through the loneliness Right now run faster than the wind We were born to be free now All those who obstruct the way to the future, crush them right now with the beast spear |
Translated and transliterated by magnetdance
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