Rouringu Staa |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
hyōji sareta kazu de shika yoshiashi o hakarenai ura ga sukete mieru yō na kiji o unomi ni shite hito to onaji iro ga anshin na n darō | You can only measure quality by the numbers displayed. While we swallow articles where ulterior motives are evident, I guess it feels easier to go along with everyone else. |
damasaren na yo omae no mimi to omae no me de kimeru mon darō? | don't be fooled! Of course you use your ears and eyes to figure things out, don't you? |
boku wa kankei nai de owari churari rolling star churari rolling star nani mo toikakenai churari rolling star churari rolling star magaimono no hoshi o atsumete churari rolling star churari rolling star ima wa sameta jū de uchimakuritai | The ending has nothing to do with me Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star I don't ask any questions Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star I want to gather imitation stars Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star and go on a shooting spree now with a cooled off gun |
kanemochi ni natte gesu na kaimono o shite mitai aidoru ya reiyā to yabai hashi o wataritai sujigaki ni sotta enjō mo shitai | I want to get rich and try buying sleazy goods. I want to try something risky with idols and cosplayers. I want to make inflammatory remarks that follow a script. |
engoshageki mo nai kara hitoribotchi de ruijihin dake tsukutten no ga oniai darō? | nor someone shooting to cover us, it's fitting that we're all alone, only making imitations, right? |
nani mo ka mo teokure de owari churari rolling star churari rolling star ima wa dare mo inai churari rolling star churari rolling star shumi no warui hoshi o toraete churari rolling star churari rolling star sora ni hōrinagete uchimakuritai | Everything finishes too late Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star Now there's no one left Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star I want to get hold of second-rate stars Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star and go on a shooting spree flinging them into the sky |
hoshi mo tsuki mo uta mo nurikatameta uso ga hagare korogeochite yuku | I pasted onto a black sheet of paper tumble down once the plastered lies peel off. |
teki mo mikata mo inai kuni de churari rolling star churari rolling star dare ni sugaritsuku no? | In a country with neither enemies nor allies Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star who shall I cling to? |
kanaerareru yume nante nai churari rolling star churari rolling star sonna ongaku nara kikitaku mo nai | There's no such thing as an achievable dream Pretty rolling star Pretty rolling star If it's that kind of music, I don't even want to listen |
jū ni ganbō o tsumekonde kirari rolling star kirari rolling star sora o uchitsuzukero | Pack your ambitions into a gun Sparkly rolling star Sparkly rolling star and keep shooting at the sky |
haruka tsuki no sabaku no ue de kirari rolling star kirari rolling star itsuka honmono dake nerai uchitai | On a desert on the distant moon Sparkly rolling star Sparkly rolling star someday I want to take aim and shoot only at the real thing |
[1] The meaning of "churari" is uncertain.
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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