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- Sayonara no Kawari ni Channeru Touroku Onegai Shimasu - Instead of Goodbye, Please Subscribe to My Channel
Sayonara no Kawari ni Channeru Touroku Onegai Shimasu |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
madamada tarinai yo itsumademo kōshite itai sore ga muri da to wakatte ite mo iya na koto ga atte mo kizukanai furi o shite sa tanoshii koto de ki o magirawasu jibun ni uso o tsuite bakka | It's never enough. I want it to keep staying like it is, even though I know it's unreasonable. When something unpleasant happens, I pretend not to notice, distract myself with something nice, and only tell myself lies. |
jibun mo ureshiku naru no sa dakara kyō mo "ganbareru yo" sō jibun ni iikikaseru yagate sono toki wa kuru kedo egao de inaku naritai akarui koe o furishibotte kimi ni omoi o tsugeru | I makes me happy too. That's why "I can hang in there" again today. That's what I tell myself. Eventually that time will come, but I want to not smile. Using my most cheerful voice, I'll share my feelings with you. |
dōse mata sugu aeru kara sayonara no kawari ni kono kotoba o kimi ni okuru yo | because in any case we'll soon meet again. Instead of saying goodbye, I send you these words. |
channeru tōroku onegai shimasu channeru tōroku onegai shimasu hayo hayo | Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Right away. Right away. |
channeru tōroku onegai shimasu channeru tōroku onegai shimasu hayo hayo | Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Right away. Right away. |
namida o nagasu to ka kimi no ruisen wa marude ana no aita kutsushita mitai anshin shite ii yo mō nakasetari shinai yo mō majime na koto wa yameyō ato wa zenbu neta ni hashirō | at a piano solo like this, your tear glands are just like a sock with a hole in it. Don't worry about it, I won't make you cry any more. Let's stop the serious business and spend the rest of our time fooling around. |
ōku wa nozomi wa shinai yo tomi to meiyo to meisei to ato honno sukoshi no chii negawakuba ikubaku no kane takarakuji nara zengoshō chinchin chichichin chiin chichichin chichichin chiichin chin chiichin (Kashi ga omoitsukanakute tekitō katsu saitei na anaume o shita no de mozaiku desu.) | It's not like I ask for much. Wealth, honour, reputation, and just a bit of prestige, some money if possible, and a consolation prize in a lottery. chinchin chichichin chiin chichichin chichichin chiichin chin chiichin (I couldn't think of the lyrics and put in a lazy and awful filler, so it's blurred out.) |
kimi ni hibiita no nara kimi wa tsukarete iru kara sugu ni gamen o tojite nero yo | with you even a little, you'll be tired, so turn off the monitor right away and go to bed. |
channeru tōroku onegai shimasu channeru tōroku onegai shimasu hayo hayo | Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Right away. Right away. |
kimi wa daiji na sanpun o mata muda ni shita iikagen koriro yo | you've wasted another precious three minutes May it be a lesson to you. |
channeru tōroku onegai shimasu channeru tōroku onegai shimasu hayo hayo | Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Right away. Right away. |
channeru tōroku onegai shimasu channeru tōroku onegai shimasu hayo hayo | Please subscribe to my channel. Please subscribe to my channel. Right away. Right away. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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