Jidai no Doa o Akehanate |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
mitsukedashita arata na jibun masshiro ni kegarenaku tōku o mitsumete | and the new selves which we have found, pure white and unstained, gaze into the distance. |
sono saki ni nani ga aru no ka Masshiro na kono daichi ni nani o kizamu no ka | what lies ahead? On this pure white land, what shall we engrave? |
ima wa wakare o tsugete koeta kako o ishizue ni mirai o kizuke | we now bid our farewell, and setting our past as a foundation we build a future. |
Toki wa michita Me o samase Tachiagare Come together now Jidai no doa o sagashidasu no wa bokura sa | The right time has come. Awake! Arise! Come together now! It is we who shall find the door to the [new] age. |
egaita yume wa tsuieru Tachidomaru isshun ni subete ubawareru | what we've dreamed of will fall apart. The moment we stand still we'll lose everything. |
mimi o kasu ki wa nai sa Kansei ni mi o makase mirai o mezase | to adults' whitewashed speech. Let yourselves follow your feelings and aim for the future. |
Mieru kai Me o korase Togisumase Time to gaze now Jidai no kagi o mitsukedasu no wa bokura sa | Can you see it? Take a good look! Hone yourselves! Time to gaze now! It is we who will discover the key to the [new] age. |
Michi naki michi o susumu Kizutsuita te o kakage mirai o tsukame | we advance along a road where there isn't one. Raise your injured hands and grasp the future. |
Hokori o mote Osoreru na Furimuku na Come together now Jidai no kabe o norikoeru no wa bokura sa | Take pride! Fear not! Don't turn aside! Come together now! We are the ones who will overcome the wall of the age. |
Toki wa michita Me o samase Tachiagare Come together now Jidai no doa o Akehanatsu no wa bokura sa | The right time has come. Awake! Arise! Come together now! We are the ones who will leave the door open. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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