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- atsuruchi o watare shukufuku no norito - cross the land of discord, prayer of blessing
atsuruchi o watare shukufuku no norito |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
"noboranu hi wa nai" sono kotoba tsuyoku kamishimete susumu no da | "the sun will always rise" -- bear in mind these words as you go |
saa sakazuki kakage kawashita naraba saa utaitsuzukeyo itsuitsu made mo | now that we have made toasts and shared winecups, let us sing on for ever and ever |
utae tatae utae ikeru mono no yorokobi o | extol! give praise! celebrate the joy of the living! |
aa hajimari nomi ni yoerubekarazu aa oroka nariya to keimou no koe | "Ah, do not stop at only the beginning; drink yourself senseless and drown in your stupor!" says an enlightening voice |
saa hi ga ochiru made utaitsuzukeyou saa utage ni hitari maitsuzukeyou | now, carry on singing and dancing, basking in revelry until the sun goes down |
utae tatae utae ikeru mono no yorokobi o utae tatae utae ikeru mono no hajimari o utae tatae utae ikeru mono no yorokobi o | extol! give praise! celebrate the joy of the living! extol! give praise! celebrate the dawn of the living! extol! give praise! celebrate the joy of the living! |
Translated and transliterated by shicalava
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