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Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
watashi mo sonna fū ni itai no ni itooshisa mo koishisa mo zutto mae kara kakushi motteru no | That's how I want to be Yet for a long time, I've hidden how I've held onto my affection and longing |
kochira wa dōnimo atsusa ga nagabiite iru n desu ga shūhen no machi ga akai n desu sonnan de mainichi ga sewashinaku nagarete satte iku n desu | Over here, the heat is really dragging on, but around the town it appears red That is how every day passes in a hectic rush |
mō ii nioi mo shite kita na ano hito no iru basho mo onaji nioi ga suru n darō sonnan de mainichi ga munashiku mo hakanaku satte iku n desu kisetsu no kō to tomo ni | and are already giving off a nice scent Where that person is, it probably smells the same way That's how every day passes pointlessly, fleetingly along with the scent of the season |
namida ga tomaranaku natta yo itooshikute mo koishikute mo zutto zutto zutto korekara mo zutto ... | my tears refuse to stop In spite of my affection and longing all this time and into the future ... |
kurushimi ga kienaku natte mo netsu wa dashitenai desu ka? nikushimi ga samenaku natte mo ikite ireba ii n desu yo ikite ireba ii n desu yo nante iitai kedo | even if the anguish doesn't fade? Don't you feel the passion, even if the hatred doesn't cool down? It's OK to live It really is OK I want to say that, but ... |
kochira wa dōnimo samusa ga oshiyosete iru n desu ga shūhen no machi ga awai n desu sonnan de mainichi ga akkenaku sutto nagarete iku n desu | Over here, the cold is really closing in, but around the town it looks pale That's how every day shoots past too quickly |
mō ii nioi mo shinai ka na ano hito ni nita yō na kasuka ni nokoru yasashisa de konna ni mo mainichi o kenage ni mo tsuyoku hagukunde iku n desu kisetsu no kō to tomo ni | and no longer give their scent With scarcely remaining kindness in the semblance of that person, that's how I nurture each day to be brave and strong along with the scent of the seasons |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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