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- Memeshii ne - I'm So Gutless
Memeshii ne |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
egaita hibi no kage ga boyaketa rinkaku o ushinatta yume to utsutsu no sen ga toketa | the days of my life I had pictured for myself blurred away. The line between reality and malformed dreams dissolved. |
nokotte'ru no wa kōkai dake ka daikirai na boku o mamoru tame dake no kirei na omoide | Is regret the only thing left, nice memories only to protect my hated self? |
akumu wa izure sameru koto iwarenakutatte wakatte'ru sonna koto yori itsu made higaisha kidoru no? kurikaeshi kimi o kizutsuke soredemo kabau no wa yowai jibun dake "yasashiku shite okeba" nante omotte'nai koto o itsu made iu no? | you'll eventually wake up from a bad dream, I get this even if no one tells me. Instead, for how long will I play the victim? I hurt you over and over; yet I only look after my own weak self. "Had I treat you kindly and kept it that way." How long will I say that I don't think such a thing? |
sono kotoba, motto massugu mirete'tara owari ni nattatte ano hibi wa ima mo kirei na mama ka na? | If I could see straight, even though those words marked the end, will our time together still remain a nice thing? |
yawakute hosoi yubi dake ja nakatta | a shared key and soft, slender fingers. |
saki no nai yami ni te o nobashi aruku tomoshibi ga kimi da to sore ni kizukete'ta no nara ima mo waraete'ta? akegata ni nagasu ongaku ima mo kaerarezu ni kimi o omoi utau iki ga sukoshi kurushii ataerareta batsu nara kore mo itoshii yo | I walk with my hands reaching into endless darkness. Had I noticed that you're the light, would I be getting to smile now? The music I play at dawn is still, without change, me singing my feelings for you. It's a bit hard to breathe. If that's my allotted punishment, then it too is dear to me. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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