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- Suupaa Mirakuru Hiiroo! - Super Miracle Hero
Suupaa Mirakuru Hiiroo! |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
zuba! hēnshin!) (shakīn! tei! dōn! pik�!) | zuba! hēnshin!) (shakīn! tei! dōn! pik�!) [1] |
seigi no mikata sūpāhīr� teki o yattsuke minna egao ni sonna monogatari ni | the champions of justice, super heroes, who'd defeat foes, smile at everyone, those kinds of stories. |
yume wa yume de owaru hazu to nanoni me no mae majikaru raito ittai nan na n da!? | I thought that the dream would end as a dream. However, in front of my eyes appeared a magical light. What on earth is it!? |
doko ni mo inai to shitte ita keredo henshin no kotoba mo m� shitte iru | as a mighty foe anywhere. But I already knew the words to make me transform. |
(tou!) majikaru raito de henshin da (hēnshin!) susume! sūp� mirakuru hīr� (zuba!) kimepōzu de kakk� tsukero! (shupīn!) | (tou!) Transform with your magical light (hēnshin!) Advance! Super Miracle Hero! (zuba!) Look good with your signature pose! (shupīn!) |
yume wa yume de owaranakatta keredo tasuke o motomeru koe wa taezu kikoeru n da | my dream did not finish up as just a dream. But I would constantly hear voices calling for help. |
dokoka de naite iru kimi mitsuke boku ga iru kara m� daijōbu da to warau n da | I'll find you too who are crying; I'm here, so it's all right, I say with a smile. [3] |
(dōn!) minna o egao ni suru tame ni! (shakīn!) hashire! sūp� mirakuru hīr�! (tei!) mirai o terasu hikari to nare! (pik�!) | (dōn!) So you can make everyone smile! (shakīn!) Run! Super Miracle Hero! (tei!) Become the light that brightens the future! [4] (pik�!) |
seien ga chikara ni naru majikaru raito kakage minna de sakebu n da! | cheers of support become my strength. I raise up the magical light and I shout with everyone! |
majikaru raito de henshin da! susume! sūp� mirakuru hīr�! kimepōzu de kakk� tsukero! | Transform with your magical light! Advance! Super Miracle Hero! Look good with your signature pose! |
(shupīn! tou! shakīn! tei!) minna egao ni suru tame ni! (pik�! zuba! hēnshin!) hashire! sūp� mirakuru hīr�! (dōn! tei! shakīn! tou!) mirai o terasu hikari to nare! (shupīn! zuba! pik�!) | (shupīn! tou! shakīn! tei!) So you can make everyone smile! (pik�! zuba! hēnshin!) Run! Super Miracle Hero! (dōn! tei! shakīn! tou!) Become the light that brightens the future! (shupīn! zuba! pik�!) |
zuba! hēnshin!) (shakīn! tei! dōn! pik�!) | zuba! hēnshin!) (shakīn! tei! dōn! pik�!) |
[1] The meaning of the shouts are unclear, although "heenshin" is most likely a call to transform to super hero form, and "pikaa" likely lrefers to an accompanying flash of light.
[2] Possibly an allusion to the opening of Nem's Super Hero.
[3] Possibly an allusion to All Might, a character in My Hero Academia.
[4] This could also be taken as "the light that brightens Mirai", a reference to Magical Mirai 2019. This song is an entry to the song contest.
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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