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- Una Voce - A Voice
Una Voce |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
perche voce dell'il Suo cuore era stato udibile a me. E sperare che questo voce arrivare a Lei. | because the voice of your heart was audible to me. And I hope that this voice reaches you. |
kono hiroi sora de hikari o tsumuginagara nani o kanaderu darō tōku tōku haruka na saki made tōmei na omoi o nosete | under this wide sky. While forming the light, what song should I play that carries transparent feelings far far to a distant place? |
kimi no tame ni utaeru yo mamoritai negau kokoro o kitto kimi wa shiranai kedo | I am able to sing for you, though you surely don't know the heart that wishes and wants to protect. |
e sara una canzone per Lei. | and will be a song for you. |
sore dake no mono ni 'ko' to iu kono kokoro wa nan no imi ga aru darō | only to sing, what meaning might be possessed by a heart called 'an individual'? |
kono karada no naka o meguru | goes around my body. |
kimi no tame ni negaeru yo kanaetai nozomu kimochi o tatoe kimi ga hitei shite mo | my heart is able to wish for you even if you were to deny the feeling that desires, that wants to fulfil. |
kimi to no kizuna o mune ni kono oto no umi no naka sasagu inori no uta | possessing a bond with you in my heart. Inside the sea of this sound I offer a song of prayer. |
Nell'interesse di Lei. La canzone arrivare a Lei. Lei sorriso a me. Sono molto felice. E una luce. E la mia luce. | For your benefit. The song will reach you. You will smile at me. I will be very happy. You are light. You are my light. |
kimi no tame ni utaeru yo hikari o tsumugu kotoba sae wakaranaku naru hi ga kite mo | I am able to sing for you, even if the day comes when I no longer understand the very words that form the light. |
kanaderu no wa kokoro no ne kimi o mamoru inoru koe wa kitto koko de hibiite'ru kara | what I play is the tone of my heart. For the voice that protects you and prays is surely echoing here. |
che desiderano dedichi a Lei. La voce estendersi ed echeggi galleggiante a questo mare. | what I wish to dedicate to you. The voice expands and echoes floating on this sea. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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