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- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Hajike Matsuri
- Matte yo Bo-bobo - Hold on, Bo-bobo
Matte yo Bo-bobo |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
muchuu de oikakete yatto oitsuita kedo anata no mae de wa nani mo iezu iru no kossori mite'tara mune ga harisakesou yo | I chased after you nonstop, and have finally caught up to you. But now I stay in your sight without being able to utter a word, and by even sneaking a peak at you, my chest will feel like bursting. |
anata to tabi ga shitai no chotto matte yo Bo-bobo nee dame ka na Bo-bobo totemo tayori ni naru kedo | but I just want to journey with you. Hold on, Bo-bobo! Can I please, Bo-bobo? I will prove to be very reliable. |
dame da yo ne zettai watashi tsuyoku naru yo asonde'naide Bo-bobo fuzakete'naide Bo-bobo anata to issho ni iru to nayande'ru hima mo nai wa | I can just keep acting like a spoiled child, so I must become stronger. Don't play around, Bo-bobo! Don't mess around, Bo-bobo! When I'm together with you, I won't even have the time to be worried. |
nando mo watashi o tasukete kureta keredo atashi wa anata ni nanika dekita no ka na donna pinchi de mo itsumo mai-peesu da ne | and you've helped me out on so many occasions, but was I ever able to help you with anything? No matter what pinch you're in, you always keep your own pace. |
warui yatsu wa yurusanai ganbatte ne Bo-bobo makenaide ne Bo-bobo demo kega dake wa shinaide | but you never show mercy for the bad guys. Do your best, Bo-bobo! Don't lose the fight, Bo-bobo! But please don't get hurt. |
zettai taoshite Bo-bobo jiyuu o mamotte minna mo ganbarou yo sugoku ganbarou ne soshite seiippai minna de waraou yo | You've got to defeat them, Bo-bobo! Defend our freedom! Everyone, let's all try our best! Let's try really really hard! Then, let's smile with all our might! |
wakaranai demo watashi wa tsuite yukitai saigo made tsuranuite Bo-bobo anata no hajiketa kokoro no subete o | but I want to go with you. Carry it out to the end, Bo-bobo, the entirety of your wigged-out heart! |
tokidoki wakaranai kedo watashi tsuite yuku yo anata ni tsuite iku yo doko made mo tabi o shitai | I don't always understand why, but I want to go on the journey, to go with you. I want to journey with you no matter where we go. |
heiwa no tame ni tatakau no kowakunai yo anata to issho ni ireba naite waratte okotte soshite chotto tsukkomu no nee matte yo Bo-bobo | We'll fight for the sake of peace! I am not scared. As long as I'm together with you, I'll be able to cry, laugh, get angry, and then maybe even be a little nosy. Please hold on, Bo-bobo! |
dame da yo ne zettai watashi tsuyoku naru yo asonde'naide Bo-bobo fuzakete'naide Bo-bobo anata to issho ni iru to nayande'ru hima mo nai wa | I can just keep acting like a spoiled child, so I must become stronger. Don't play around, Bo-bobo! Don't mess around, Bo-bobo! When I'm together with you, I won't even have the time to be worried. |
bo-bo-bo-bo-bobobobobobobobo bobobobobobobobobobobo... | Bo-bo-bo-bo-bobobobobobobobo bobobobobobobobobobobo... |
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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