repeatDescription: Opening Theme Written, Composed, Arranged by Kazuya Takase Performed by MELL View romaji/english lyrics New Feature! Mouseover a kanji character for lookup information!
降り注ぐ罪 心地よい嘘を 許し続けた罠 行くあてもなく 彷徨う人の命 抜け殻の楽園(その) うづむく大地の果て 泣き叫んでも 無口な星の陰に 流れてしまい 償いを照らす 限りなく白い 幼すぎる目に 偽りの色で 染める時代(とき)の空 行くあてもなく 彷徨う孤独な声 手を引かれながら 震える小さな息 遥かな地平 たどり着いたとしても うづむく大地が 繰り返し続く 泣き叫んでも 無口な星の陰に 流れてしまい 償いを照らす 遥かな地平 たどり着いたとしても うづむく大地が 繰り返し続く 泣き叫んでも 無口な星の陰に 流れてしまい 償いを照らす Transliterated by AzureDark [Submit an English translation for this song] See an error in these lyrics? Let us know here! |
Kanji information is from the KANJIDIC dictionary database. now has an OpenSearch plugin that you can install into your browser (FireFox, Chrome and IE/Edge supported) Affiliates: My Little Pony Ties AnimeBadass.Com Lyrics copyright to their respective owners or translators. No copyright infringment is intended or implied. Layout and other content copyright Anime Lyrics dot Com / Anime Globe Productions This is some text here |