Sixteenth Night

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Album / Collection: Tenchu Senran Original Soundtrack
Track # 1

Description: Opening Theme Song

Performed by: Kishikawa Kyouko

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Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Tsukishiro ga terashita namoshiranu hana 
Kage to narite yami to tawamureba
Yowa ni miiraren toshi sono mi wo sasageta
Harahara maichiri yukimadoi otsureba tayutoeba
Ake wo matazuni utakata ni kiyuru
Owarinaku hatemonaku toki wo michizureta toshitemo
Sugatanaku katachinaku sadame dake shinjite 
Izayoi no tsuki to oboshi tamerai wa izukoya........

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
A nameless flower illuminates the white moon
When it teases with darkness, it becomes a shadow
It sacrificed flesh, a town possessed in the middle of the night
When delusions of death disintegrating rapidly degrade and drift along
it disappears into a bubble without waiting for dawn
even if it is accompanied by an endless, neverending time
Only believe in a figureless, shapeless destiny
where the feeling of hesitation is within the moon of the sixteenth night......

Some of the words used in this song are in Archaic Japanese. I was unsure what 'toshi' meant since it was in kana instead of kanji. I assume the kanji for it would mean: "town" or "city" based on the context. It may be "age" or "year" but since the song is based on the setting of Feudal Japan which the Tenchu series takes place. The kanji for: 'toki', 'sadame', and 'izuko' are actually reading as 'koku', 'shukumei', and 'doko' in modern Japanese. In English, they all mean the same thing.

Translated and transliterated by Kazuhiro Jou

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