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- Sensei - Teacher
Sensei |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ame ga shitoshito kudatte ita Kasa ni kakurete sanbashi de Hitori mitsumete naite ita Osanai watashi ga mune kogashi Shitai tsuzuketa hito no na wa Sensei sensei sore wa sensei | The rain came down so gently Concealed by my umbrella on the pier Staring out, I cried I was so childish, my chest burning My longing continued -- that person's name was Sensei, Sensei, it was my teacher |
Tooku hanareru renrakusen Shiroi toudai e no you ni Ame ni utarete ukandeta Darenimo ienai kanashimi ni Mune wo itameta hito no na wa Sensei sensei sore wa sensei | To the ferryboat departing far off A white lighthouse like a painting Rising out of the rain beating down With a sadness no one can give a name The pain in my chest -- that person's name was Sensei, Sensei, it was my teacher |
Sotto oshieta hito no na wa Sensei sensei sore wa sensei | Teaching my gently -- that person's name was Sensei, Sensei, it was my teacher |
Translated and transliterated by Lithiumflower
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