Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ue wo miagete mina Kumori sora ni ame arashi ga Sora wo oou kuroi maku ga Shikai semakunaru ima Are we all right? | Up there, everyone look up The dark clouds and pouring rain are Covering the sky like a black curtain Right now, we can barely see Are we all right? |
Akai iro de somaru machi Tsuchi ya mizu ya mori hayashi ga Takai BIRU ni kawaru sugata Chikyuugai kara miru ima Are we all right? | City dyed red Dirt and water and forests are Transformed into giant buildings Right now, looking at the earth Are we all right? |
Kono hoshi ga dou mieru no darou Hataraki hachi ga tsukuri ageta Ima kono jidai wo dou miru no Tell me Just tell me kami | What does this star look like to him Worker bees building things up Right now, what does this era look like Tell me, Just tell me, God |
Kono hoshi ga dou mieru no darou Bakuha no iro ga NEON no you Hito ga DOMINO no you ni mieru no Tell me Just tell me Or else I'm gonna tell you Message? Kami to People to You | What does this star look like to him A destructive blast with a neon colour People that look like dominos Tell me, Just tell me Or else I'm gonna tell you God, it's a Message -- to People, to You |
Translated and transliterated by Lithiumflower
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