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- Hito ni Yasashiku - Be Nice to People
Hito ni Yasashiku |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Aa anata ni mo kikasetai Kono mama boku wa ase wo kaite ikiyou Aa itsumademo kono mama sa Boku wa itsudemo uta wo utau toki wa MAIKUROFON no naka kara GANBARE tte itte iru Kikoete hoshii anata ni mo GANBARE! | Ah, so you want to hear them too As I am right now, I'm sweating just from being alive Ah, it'll always be like this For me, it'll always be time to sing these songs From inside my microphone Saying "Do your best!" I want to hear it, you do too DO YOUR BEST! |
Aa boku datte ima datte Sakebanakereba yarikirenai omoi wo Aa taisetsu ni sutenai de Hito ni yasashiku shite moraenai n da ne Boku ga itte yaru tekkai koe de itte yaru GANBARE tte itte yaru Kikoeru kai GANBARE! | Ah, even me, even now If I don't cry out it will feel unbearable Ah, be careful, don't discard it Be kind to people even if they're not kind to you I'll say it, in a huge voice I'll say it I'll say "Do your best!" Are you listening? DO YOUR BEST! |
Aa nagusamete agerarenai Kitaihazure no kotoba wo iu toki ni Kokoro no naka de wa GANBARE tte itte iru Kikoete hoshii anata ni mo GANBARE! | Ah, the consolation of not getting caught Feeling disappointed, it's time to say those words It's in my heart, I'll say "Do your best!" I want to hear it, you do too DO YOUR BEST! |
Translated and transliterated by Lithiumflower
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