Hachigatsu, Nanigashi, Tsukiakari
August, That Place, Moonlight
Album / Collection: Dakara Boku wa Ongaku o Yameta
Track # 3
Music and lyrics by n-buna
Vocals by suis
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The second word in the title can be read as "bou" or "nanigashi," and while it's "bou" in the lyrics themselves, n-buna has pronounced it "nanigashi," though he said on Twitter that he didn't have a strong preference between the two readings of the title. The word just means "a certain..." and usually has a noun appended to it unless it's referring to a person, but n-buna has stated that in this case it does not refer to a person, but a place, and possibly also a time.
[1] A reference to the 27 Club, a term that originated in the 1970s when Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, and Jimi Hendrix all died at the age of 27 within several years of each other; it gained more prominence in the 1990s when Kurt Cobain also died at that age. While it's since expanded to include actors and other celebrities–not to mention musicians in other genres–it's still heavily associated with rock musicians specifically.
Translated and transliterated by EJTranslations
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