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- Amai Koibito - Sweet Lover
Amai Koibito |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
CHIIZU TARUTO yaite tasa SUIITSU BEIBII KIMI wa sou sa Amai amai boku no koibito | Baking a cheese tart Sweet baby, you're like that My sweet, sweet lover |
CHIIZU TARUTO katate KIMI wa HASHAIderu HitoGOMI kakiwake ikou yo ano mise Osoroi no RINGU kyou kau yakusoku dakara | In high spirits with a cheese tart in hand Through the crowds, let's go to that shop Because I promised today I'd buy those matching rings |
Amai amai amai amai KO-I-BI-TO | Sweet sweet sweet sweet l-o-v-e-r |
Nante mada hayasugiru kamo SUITSU BEIBII boku mo sou sa Amai amai KIMI no koibito | But maybe it's still too early for that Sweet baby, I'm like that too Your sweet, sweet lover |
Te wo furu KIMI wa ano mise no mae Tsukuute ageru yo boku no tokusei KEEKI Sonogo suru KISU wa kitto SUITS BEIBII haji dakara | You wave to me from that shop from before I give you the special cake I made After that, a kiss that tastes like my sweet baby |
Amai amai amai amai KO-I-BI-TO | Sweet sweet sweet sweet l-o-v-e-r |
SUITSU mitai na mainichi Tama ni wa koucha wo nonde Okawari wa ikaga? | Like sweets, every day Now and then drinking black tea Would you like a second cup? |
Amai amai boku no koibito | My sweet, sweet lover |
Amai amai amai amai KO-I-BI-TO | Sweet sweet sweet sweet l-o-v-e-r |
Translated and transliterated by Lithiumflower
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