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- Homo Sapiensu Rapusodi - Homo Sapiens Rhapsody
Homo Sapiensu Rapusodi |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
imasara tomaru hazuganai ("akiramenna") yokan wa shoujiki HORAA HAUSU ("au!") akiaki daze... nigero! ("Shikashi mawari komareta") | There's no way it'll stop now ("Don't give up!") To be frank, I'm predicting it to be a horror house ("Ahhh!") I'm sick of this... run away! ("But I'm already caught up in it") |
Tokubetsu na ningen demo nandemo nain da ze!") | I'm not a extraordinary human by any means!") |
sorosoro ki ga tsuke yo ("Ore daze tottsun dare!?") hitosoudou owareba 10,000 (ichi-man) kenshorihan ("Nani!?") sekininsha ORE nano ka? ("Uwaaa! Kuru na! Kuru naa!") | It's time you realize that ("It's me, old man!" "...who!?")[1] After one strife there's 10,000 new things to deal with ("Huh? What?!") Am I the one responsible for this? ("Ah! Go away! Go awaay!") |
jibundemo okashii to omowanai ka? ("U! Namaiki itte suimasen deshita!") | But surely even you think this is strange? ("Well! Excuse me for saying something so harsh!") |
sono ichi ("One!") : kotou nanka ni dekakenai ("Ikanai ikanai") futsuu ni seishun sono ni ("Two!") : natsuyasumi wa yasumu ("Aete neru!") saketai seishun sono san ("Saan!") : myou na eiga wa tsukuranai ("Oi! 'Three' tte ie yo!") yosou wa seikai NEBAA ENDO ("Owaranai!") akiaki daze... nigero! | Point one ("One!"): Do not set out for a deserted island ("Don't go! Don't go!") For an ordinary youth Point two ("Two!"): Summer vacation is for resting ("Perfect for sleeping in!") For an uneventful youth Point three ("San!"): Do not make strange movies ("Hey! Say 'Three', in English!") My prediction is correct, it will never end ("never end!") I'm sick of this... run away! |
Na, nandatte!?") | W-what!?") |
ichiichi makikomu na ("Aaa! Sugoi saikuron!") isshuukan norikoe 100,000 (juu-man) nen soutousuu gyakukaiten shitenai ka? ("Chou pinchi supin!") | Don't drag me into thing after thing ("Ooh! What an amazing cyclone!") 100,000 years is a long time for a single week Aren't we going backwards? ("Super in-a-pinch-spin!") |
jibundemo naresugite YABAI no kane? ("Zannen nagara te no hodokoshiyou ga arimasen. Damare!") | Surely even you think its bad to be so used to this? ("Sorry, Can't help you there. Shut up!") |
kibou ichi ("Tanomu!"): chounouryoku wa tsukawanai ("Kao mo chikaku nai!") shitashii yuujin kibou ni ("Onegaishimasu!"): mirai kara konai ("Asahina-san wa Asahina-san dakara iin da!") kigaau yuujin kibou san ("Honto tanomimasu!") : HOMO-SAPIENSU-KATEGORI ("Zegahidemo onegai shitai!") yotei ga seikaku kenzen na shikou de areba yoshi! ("Yooshi") | Request one ("I beg of you!"): Don't use ESP ("And don't get so close!") To be good friends Request two ("Please!"): Don't come from the future ("Asahina-san, you're fine because you're you!") To be friends that get along Request three ("I really mean it!"): Be a member of the Homo Sapiens category ("Please, by all means!") That's exactly my plan, So if you're of sound mind let's go! ("Let's go!") |
Ano nyuu taipu datte jojo ni kakusei shite itta mon na Seijitsu na kokoro no seichou ga dareka ni totte tokubetsu ni naru Sou omotta kekka ga kore da yo! Wakatta, wakatta! Nandemo yaru tte! Yukkuri tsukatte ne.") | Even those "Newtypes" awoke gradually.[2] The growth of a sincere heart is something special to some people. This is the result of that kind of thought! Okay, I get it, I get it! I'll do whatever you want! Be gentle with me, okay?") |
boshuuchuu: sekai wo ("BASAA!") shinai ("Yameroo!") futsuu no yuujin boshuuchuu: okotowari (daze) INTAAFEISU ("Nagato, kansha wa shiteru yo!") | For normal friends: Don't make the world blow up ("go boom!") ("Stoooop!!") Accepting applications For normal friends: a "denied!" interface ("You have my thanks, Nagato!") |
sono ichi: utagau beki ka tanzaku ("Sore ga mondai da...") futsuu ni seishun sono ni: gimei nanoranai ("Konnichi wa. Barutoromeu Diasu desu") saketai seishun sono san: DEKAi NANIka to tatakau yosou wa seikai NEBAA ENDO ("Nani!?") akiaki daze... nigero! | Point one: Beware the wish cards ("That's a problem...") For an ordinary youth Point two: Don't use made-up aliases ("Hello, I am Bartholomeu Diaz") For an uneventful youth Point three: Fighting giant things My prediction is correct, it will never end ("What??") I'm sick of this... run away! |
Asahina-saan! Naite bakari nai de issho ni nantoka shite kudasaai! Nagatoo! Tanomu kara rokkaa kara detekite! Koizumi! Tsukou ga waruku nara to tama ni naru no yamero! Kuso! SOS meeru wo! Are? Pasokon no machi uke ga Haru...hiiiiiiiiiiii! Deta! Dete kitaa!") | Asahina-san, don't just cry, please help us do something! Nagato, please, come out from the locker! Koizumi! Stop turning into a ball everytime things go wrong!" "Dammit, the SOS email! Huh? The computer's background wallpaper is... Haru...hiiiiiiiiii!" From there! It came out from there!") |
Lines in parentheses transcribed by Rizuchan
[1] a Lupin III reference.
[2] a Gundam reference.
Transliterated by Perfect Chaos
Translated by Rizuchan
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