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- Youkoso Japari-paaku e - Welcome to Japari Park
Youkoso Japari-paaku e |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Kyou mo dottan battan oosawagi | Let's rock and uproar today, too! |
Takaraka ni warai waraeba friends friends Kenka shite succhaka mecchaka shitemo nakayoshi | Laugh together and be friends, friends Even if we fight and become uncontrollable, we are best friends |
Hontou no ai wa koko ni aru Hora kimi mo te wo tsunaide daibouken | The true love was here Here, let's go to adventure with you, too |
Welcome to youkoso japari paaku Kyou mo dottan battan oosawagi Sugata katachi mo juunin toiro dakara hikareau no | Welcome to, Welcome to the Japari Park Let's rock and uproar today, too! There are different appearances and shapes for everyone, so we get attracted to each other |
Hajimemashite Hajimemashite Kimi wo motto shiritai na | Nice to meet you, nice to meet you I want to know more about you |
Hurimukeba achira kochira de trouble trouble Nantekotta tenden barabara chinpun kanpun matoman nai | Look back and everywhere I see, there are troubles, troubles What the heck, bang holler guffaw, it doesn't get settled |
Minna jiyuu ni ikite iru Sou kimi mo kazaranakute daijoubu | Everyone is living freely Yes, you don't have to maintain your image |
Nice to meet you japari paaku Kyou kara wa douzo yoroshikune Itsumo itsudemo yasashii egao kimi wo matteita no | Nice to meet you, in the Japari Park I'm so glad to meet you Smiling tenderly anytime, anywhere, we were waiting for you |
Dokomade demo Tsuzuiteku great journey | Great journey Is continuing anywhere |
Higashi e hoero nishi e hoero Sekaijuu ni hibike safari melody | Roar to east, Roar to west Sound the safari melody all over the world |
Kyou mo dottan battan oosawagi Sugata katachi mo juunin toiro dakara hikareau no | Let's rock and uproar today, too! There are different appearances and shapes for everyone, so we get attracted to each other |
Hajime mashite Hajime mashite Kimi wo motto shiritai na | Nice to meet you, nice to meet you I want to know more about you |
Rararara Rararara Oh, welcome to the japari paaku Rararara Rararara Rara Atsumare tomodachi Rararara Rararara Oh, welcome to the japari paaku Rararara Rararara Rara Suteki na Tabidachi Youkoso Japari paaku | Lalalala lalalala Oh, welcome to the Japari Park Lalalala lalalala lala Gather around, friends! Lalalala lalalala Oh, welcome to the Japari Park Lalalala lalalala lala Dreamy departure Welcome to the Japari Park |
Translated and transliterated by tktk
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