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- Shisenjou no ARIA - The Aria In My Eye
Shisenjou no ARIA |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
asahaka na monotachi yo [1] mitsumeru na ORE no me wo [2] yokoshima na manazashi de [3] | You pathetic things Don't gaze intently at my eye with an evil look |
hieta ikari wo tada hirugaeshi kitakaze no yo ni habataku | I just take back my cooled anger, and fly like the north wind |
EGOISUTO yo koko wo sare | egoists, leave here! |
ZIG ZAG jiguzagu jiguzagu "mondou muyou!" | ZIG ZAG zig zag zig zag "There's no use arguing!" |
imawashii jaki domo yo ugomeku na kore ijou aozameru kono chijou wo | You detestable evil beings Don't squirm any further on this paling earth |
shisen no kyouki tada togisumashi tatsumaki no yo ni tatakau itsuwari wo hajiite [4] ikasama wo tsukisashite ZIG ZAG jiguzagu jiguzagu ZIG ZAG jiguzagu jiguzagu "mondou muyou!" | I just hone a dangerous weapon, this eye, and fight like a twister Reflecting all falsehoods Piercing through trickery ZIG ZAG zig zag zig zag ZIG ZAG zig zag zig zag "There's no use arguing!" |
asahaka na monotachi yo [2] mitsumeru na ORE no me wo [3] yokoshima na manazashi de | You pathetic things Don't gaze intently at my eye with an evil look |
hieta ikari wo tada hirugaeshi kitakaze no yo ni habataku | I just take back my cooled anger, and fly like the north wind |
EGOISUTO yo koko wo sare | egoists, leave here! |
ZIG ZAG jiguzagu jiguzagu hitomi ni yadoru hi ga mugon no ARIA utau "mondou muyou!" | ZIG ZAG zig zag zig zag The fire dwelling in my eye sings a silent aria "There's no use arguing!" |
[1] "mono" (thing) is the reading given to the kanji for "teki" (enemy)
[2] "me" (eye) is the reading given to the kanji for "jagan" (evil eye)
[3] "manazashi" is the reading given to the kanji for "shisen", both which mean "look" or "glance"
[4] "haji" (repel) is the reading given to the kanji for "hansha" (reflect).
Translated and transliterated by YamiKaosu
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