Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Kizamareta tensen wo yubi de nazoru yo Nakeru hodo kantan ni dekite shimau kara Muzukashiku kangaezu chigireba ii no | To tear off my faded emotions It's something I can do without any effort So I should just tear them up without thinking too much about it |
Ki ga tsukeba ima wa me no mae de korogatte iru'n da | And yet, when I come to realize it I find it tumbling right in front of my eyes |
Yamaori taniori shiwakucha ni natteta "Kankei nai" tte warikitte GOMI bako ni suterareta nara Kiritorarete yuku kinou nagashita namida | Was folded with the mountain fold and then with the valley fold only to end up completely wrinkled If only I could throw it into a trash can saying with confidence that this has nothing to do with me But the tears I shed yesterday are getting torn off |
Kojiaketa kakushinhan koe wo hisomete Tsukurareta guuzen mo shinjita uso mo Akirameta shunkan ni iro wo kaeru no | To set free my confined emotions The fabricated coincidences and the lies I trusted Will change their color the moment I give up |
Soko ni nokosareta mono wa yowai jibun dake Sore wa kinou no yoru made kirei na omoide datta noni Ki ga tsukeba ima wa namae sae omoidasenai no | The only thing I will be left with will be my weak self It was still a beautiful memory within me until last night And yet, when I come to realize it I can't even recall its name now |
Yamaori taniori shiwakucha ni natteta "Kankei nai" tte warikitte GOMI bako ni suterareta nara Kiritorarete yuku kinou nagashita namida | Was folded with the mountain fold and then with the valley fold only to end up completely wrinkled If only I could throw it into a trash can saying with confidence that this has nothing to do with me But the tears I shed yesterday are getting torn off |
Translated and transliterated by Hinamawari
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