Yuki ga Tokeru Mae ni |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
koi ni ochita Romantic Kono omoi todoku ka na yuki ga tokeru mae ni | I fell in romantic love. Will you get to know my feelings before the snow melts? |
furisosoida fuyu no panorama Mabushisugita mono wa sora ka kimi no egao ka Maru de kodomo no yō kono yukue o omou dake de yuutsu na tsumetasa mo wasureta | winter's panorama poured down. Was it the sky or your smile that dazzled me so much? Just like a child, thinking about where I am let me forgot the coldness of my melancholy. |
hirogaru koko wa Winterland Kimi to yume o sagashite muchū de suberidasu | spreading before me is a winterland. Searching for a dream with you I was so engrossed I started to slip. |
oikaketeta Romantic tsukamesō de tsukamenai ano kumo to kimi Awaku akaku irozuku tsumori tsumoru setsunasa oikoshite ieru ka na yuki ga tokeru mae ni | the romance I was chasing seemed within my grasp, but I could grasp neither the clouds nor you. Sadness, stained a pale red, piles up and up. Will I get to say I've overtaken you before the snow melts? |
kakeorita kage to kage shizumu orenji ga tsureteku nokori jikan Yagate shoumei mo kurayami ni ochiru koro Kimi ga yubisasu saki wa kirameita hitosuji no hikari o egaku | your shadow with mine. The sinking orange is taking with it the time we have left. Soon it will be time for the light to fall into darkness. With the tip of your finger, you trace a single sparkling ray of light. |
nagarete yuku Starlight me o tojite tsubuyaita tokei yo tomare Tōi tōi machi e to kaeru toki ga kuru koto ato sukoshi wasureyō ka yuki ga tokeru made | flowing starlight, I closed my eyes and muttered, telling time to stop. The time will soon come to return to the city far, far away. I'll forget about that for a while until the snow melts. |
mafuyu dake no Story Nē "kimi" to mitsukeyō ka yuki ga tokeru mae ni | a midwinter story like this. Shall I find it with "you" before the snow melts? |
kimi no suki na fūkei mō ichido deaitai na yuki ga tsumoru koro ni | your favourite scene, I'd like to meet you once again, the time when the snow piles up. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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