Saboten no Kimochi |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Zutto soto ni oite'tara yowatte shimau ka mo desu Soredemo ikite'masu | If you leave me outside for a long time I might get sick. But I'm still alive. |
sore dake de ganbaremasu Tokai no sabaku no naka takumashiku ikite'masu | I can manage with that. In the desert of the city I'm alive and well. |
Tada no terekakushi da kara sa hora | It's because I'm hiding my embarrassment, see. |
kitto chiisai hana saku to omou no desu Ikinuki bakari shite'ru to sono uchi oashisu mo karechau desh� � Sabotte n na yo | I'm sure that I'll make a little flower. If all you do is rest while you do that even an oasis would dry up, ah! Don't neglect me! (1) |
hana nante sakasemasen Taiy� o aogu y� ni s� shite ikite'masu | you won't let me make any flowers. To be looking up at the sun that's how I live. |
yoku sodatsu y� ni narimasu Kyōretsu na hizashi no naka takumashiku ikite'masu | you'll help me grow well. In strong sunlight I'm alive and well. |
Tada no mieppari da kara sa hora | It's because I just want to show off, see! |
toge ga mata hitotsu to fuete iku desh� ga tatakau koto o yametara megumi no ame sae mo m� konai desh� � Sabotte n na yo | I'll keep growing one spine after another, but if I stop fighting even the occasional merciful rain won't come any more, ah! Don't neglect me! |
Omou dake tsuyogari da kara hora | It's because I act as tough as I want, see! |
subete umetsukushite maruku naru no desh� Sōshite kitto itsuka wa hitomawari ōkiku sodatsu no desh� � Sabotte n na yo | I'll cover myself entirely and I'll get plump. This way, one day I'll grow to be a size bigger. Don't neglect me! |
kitto chiisai hana saku to omou no desu Ikinuki bakari shite'ru to sono uchi oashisu mo karechau desh� � Sabotte n na yo | I'm sure that I'll make a little flower. If all you do is rest while you do that even an oasis would dry up, ah! Don't neglect me! |
(1) "Sabotte n da yo", "don't neglect me", is a pun on "saboten", "cactus".
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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