Te o Araou |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Yubi no sukima made kirei Te o araō araō yo Sekken wa tomodachi | Clean even between your fingers Let's wash, let's wash our hands Soap is our friend |
Tenjō to niramekko Ugai shiyō ugai shiyo Baibai baikin | Play staring with the ceiling Let's rinse, let's rinse our mouths Goodbye germs |
Yubi no sukima made kirei Te o araō araō yo Sekken wa tomodachi | Clean even between your fingers Let's wash, let's wash our hands Soap is our friend |
Baibai bai- baibai bai- Baibai baikin | Goodbye ge- goodbye ge- Goodbye germs |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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