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- Shiisaido - Seaside
Shiisaido |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
sonna yume o zutto mite ita tōmawari o tsuzukete kita kedo kanau no nara muda ja nakatta na | together in a town with a view of the sea. I've kept on taking the long way around, but if it comes true, it would've been worth it. |
kimi no kami o yurasu kaze mo konna boku no kimochi nanka okamainashi ni kyō mo kawarazu | the wind that tousles your hair, like always, you pay no attention to such feelings of mine. |
tabi o tsuzukete tsukareteru darō ashi no itami mo mō narete kankaku mo nai darō | you're probably tired after such a long journey. You've probably even gotten used to the pain in your feet and lost sensation. |
kimi ga omou yori takusan aru kara ima wa ashi o yasumete sono tsuideni himatsubushi gatera kiite kuretara ii yo | There are heaps more than you think, so for now, rest your feet. While you're at it, to pass the time, I hope you listen to me. |
mokuteki mo naku tatazundeta sonna jikan o itoshiku omoi dōji ni fuan ga mune o shimeru | we stopped there for no particular purpose. While I think fondly of those times, at the same time an uncertainty presses my heart. |
itsuka kirai ni natte shimau ka mo shirenai mirai mo jibun mo fuantei de kakushō ga motenai | Someday I might stop liking you. Neither the future nor ourselves are static and nothing's guaranteed. |
dakara semete ima o taisetsu ni shiyō hito wa ayamachi o kurikaesu keredo onaji kako wa konai kara kako na n da | So at least let's make the present count. People repeat their mistakes, but the past doesn't come again, so it's the past. |
boku no tonari de kimi ga waratteru koto mo nidoto konai kara ureiteru baai ja nai sōyatte jibun ni iikikasenagara mada fuan wa kesesō ni nai keredo ima wa toriaezu kore kurai ni shite tonari de doko fuku kaze de waratteru kimi ni mukatte waraikaeshite miseta | nor you smiling next to me, they won't come again, so this isn't the time to be melancholy. Thus, while telling myself this, it doesn't seem like the uncertainty will go away. But for the time being, leave things as they are. Next to me, you're smiling in the wind that blows anywhere. I turned to you and returned your smile. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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