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- todokimasu you ni - praying to reach
todokimasu you ni |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
bokura wa tsurugi o te ni tachiagaru douka kono negai yo todokimasu you ni | we take up our swords and rise, praying for this wish to be heard |
kumorizora no sekai ni hikari ga sashikomu made namida wa mou misenai to kageru hizashi ni michi ga yuraide mo kimi no egao o miushinawanai! | never to show our tears until the time when light breaks through the overcast skies the path is unsteady in the obscured light, but i won't lose sight of your smile! |
bokura wa tsurugi o te ni tachiagaru douka kono negai yo todokimasu you ni | we take up our swords and rise, praying for this wish to be heard |
hitsuu na sono manazashi to boku o tsuranuku sakebi namida ga afureteyuku yo kagari nakushita michi no mannaka de nani o shirube ni susumeba ii no? | pain shot through your eyes, your scream struck through my heart, and tears spilled from my eyes having lost my torch in the middle of the road, what do i use to guide my way now? |
itami ga kokoro o mushibanda mama konna negai nante todokerarenai yo | as long as grief gnaws into my heart, this wish will never be heard |
bokura wa tsurugi o te ni tachiagaru douka kimi no moto e todokimasu you ni | we take up our swords and rise, praying to reach you |
* in the lyrics it is printed as "douka", but in song she sings it as "dakara"
Translated and transliterated by shicalava
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