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- Sajin no Kanata e... - Beyond The Dust Storm...
Sajin no Kanata e... |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Within each wave, everlasting melody." | Within each wave, everlasting melody." |
ano hi kasaneta utagoe wa ima mo mada hibiite'ru... | The overlapping, singing voices from that day resound even now...... |
Good times for blend mou ichido meguru to shinjite itai | Those good times for blend; I want to believe that they'll come once again |
KIMI no na wa dream hakanaki melody kuchibiru ga fureru hodo ni toozakaru | Your name is like a dream, a fleeting melody, touching upon my lips before departing for afar |
suna ni inori o uzumete mo kono te o nobasu kara douka fly me... | Even if our prayers are to be buried amongst the sands, I'll extend these hands, so please Fly me...... |
Good-bye dear friend mou ichido aeru to shinjite itai | Good-bye dear friend; I want to believe that we'll meet once again |
KIMI no na wa dream haruka na melody kuchibiru ni uta o hitotsu tomoshite | Your name is like a dream, a far off melody, igniting a song upon my lips |
tsuki ni sakebi ga todoku nara kono mi o sasagu kara douka fly me... | If its cry can reach it, I'll offer my body up unto the moon, so please Fly me...... |
bokutachi wa furuenagara ai no uta o utaidasu | Although we're all trembling, we begin singing a song of love |
tooku sazameku eien no ongaku ga bokura o maneku kara... | That far off and eternal crescendo of music is beckoning to us...... |
ano hi kasaneta utagoe o kono mune ni sajin no kanata e... | The overlapping, singing voices from that day are now in my heart Beyond the dust storm...... |
Transliterated by animeyay
Translated by Hikarin
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