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- Anata no Iru Basho e - To Where You Are
Anata no Iru Basho e |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kuruma no raito ga yakeni mabushikute hanayaka na omise ni tanoshisō na hitobito tsuitsui furatto yorimichi shitaku naru | car lights awfully bright, people looking happy in the flashy shops, I suddenly get the thought of stopping by. |
fui ni anata to kasanaru no desu | who reminds me of you. |
ichiban yasurageru sono basho e Doa o akete kaidan o nobottara egao ga aru to ii na | to where I'm most at ease. When I open the door and climb the stairs, I hope there'll be a smile for me. |
gitā o hikinagara dareka ga utatte'ru Itsumo yatte'ru otchan no yatai de nukunuku no taiyaki o mittsu dake katta | someone sings while playing guitar. As I usually do, at the bloke's stall, I buy exactly three, still warm taiyaki. [1] |
sukoshi isoide aruite'ku no desu | I pick up my pace as I walk. |
egao ga koboreru sono basho e Doa o akete tadaima o ieru Sonna shiawase ga ii na | to where smiles escape. I can open the door and say I'm home. What a nice happiness. |
atarimae de aritsuzukeru tame ni bukiyō na ai o fukanzen na omoi o subete tsumekonde zutto tayasazu ni | will continue to be the way things are, I'll squeeze in all of my clumsy love, my imperfect feelings, and never let them go out. |
ichiban yasurageru sono basho e Doa o akete kaidan o nobottara egao ga aru to ii na | to where I'm most at ease. When I open the door and climb the stairs, I hope there'll be a smile for me. |
[1] Taiyaki are fish-shaped cakes made with pancake batter and a sweet, usually bean, filling.
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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