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- Honto wa Wakatteru - I Really Understand
Honto wa Wakatteru |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
warainagara watashitachi hanashiteita kedo hontou wa shitteru wakatteru koto konna fuu ni sugoseru koto wa nidoto nainda to | We've been talking with each other while laughing but I really know, and understand that Spending our time together like this, won't happen again |
hirahira hanabira mau deshou ne sono toki watashitachi wa dare to doko ni iru no deshou hanarebanare ni nattete mo sugoshita jikan wa kienai yo ne dakara karuku te o futte egao de sayounara suru ze | Have petals fluttering and dancing around When that time comes, who are we with and where? Even if we get separated, the time we spent together will stay So let's lightly wave our hands at each other, say goodbye with a smile |
sonna fuu ni ironna koto ga fuete'kunda ne | We can increase the variety like this |
nandaka itoshii na | I seem to hold it dear |
sukoshizutsu aenakunaru kamo ne soredemo watashitachi wa naretefkanakya naranai desho tomaritai wake ja nai kedo yappari sabishikunaru kara sa dakara saigo ni te o futte egao de sayounara suru ze | Little by little, we won't meet each other Even it's like that, we should get used to it, right? There's no way I wanted it to be over but, it's really going to be sad That's why, in the end, let's wave our hands, say goodbye with a smile |
otona no kaidan nante sa zenzen mietenakattashi ne hanarebanare ni natte kara minna wa doushiteita no kana itsuka kikai ga aru no nara egao de aetara ne | The stairs to adulthood, we totally didn't see it Now that we are separated, I wonder how everyone is doing If we'll have the chance someday, we'll meet each other again smiling |
Translated and transliterated by marvelangga
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