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- Jinrui Nekoka Keikaku - Plan to Catify the Human Race
Jinrui Nekoka Keikaku |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kangaeta keikaku sore wa subete no hito o neko ni suru koto datta n da naze ka wakaranai kedo, keikaku wa susunde'ta zettai ni seikō saseru to nekogami ni chikatte itsuka neko ni naritai sō omou koto aru deshō dakara kono keikaku o, sō jinrui nekoka keikaku | thought up a plan. It was to turn every person into a cat. I don't know why, but the plan progressed, vowing to the cat-god that they would absolutely make the plan succeed. Haven't you ever thought, "I'd like to be a cat someday"? So follow this plan, yes, the plan to catify the human race. |
nara, neko ni shichaō kitto sekaiheiwa da nyante suteki na n da mina, neko ni naritai nara, neko ni narō yo kitto minna marumatte jinrui nekoka keikaku | If so, let's turn ourselves into cats. There'll be world peace for sure. How pawsome would that be! [1] Everyone wants to be a cat. If so, let's become cats. Surely everyone will curl up like a ball in the plan to catify the human race. |
sono ni fuwafuwa de mokomoko ni narechau n da sono san kawaisugiru nekomimi mo shippo mo te ni hairu kore wa neko ni naru shika nai deshō nekogami-sama ga itta hitobito o neko ni kaeyotto dakara kono keikaku o, sō jinrui nekoka keikaku | Point 2: We can be all soft and fluffy. Point 3: We'll get super-cute cat ears and tails. The only way for this is to become cats. The cat god said, "I'll change the people into cats." So follow this plan, yes, the plan to catify the human race. |
nara, neko ni shichaō kitto sekaiheiwa da nyante suteki na n da mina, neko ni naritai nara, neko ni narō yo kitto minna kotatsu de nekoronde ita | If so, let's turn ourselves into cats. There'll be world peace for sure. How pawsome would that be! Everyone wants to be a cat. If so, let's become cats. Surely everyone will catnap by the heater. [3] |
nara, neko ni shichaō kitto sekaiheiwa da nyante suteki na n da mina, neko ni naritai nara, neko ni narō yo kitto minna marumatte jinrui nekoka keikaku | If so, let's turn ourselves into cats. There'll be world peace for sure. How pawsome would that be! [1] Everyone wants to be a cat. If so, let's become cats. Surely everyone will curl up like a ball in the plan to catify the human race. |
[1] nante "how ..." is misspelled nyante to make it sound like a stereotypical cat meow.
[2] The video displays the questionnaire:
1. Jiyū ni ikitai / hai iie
(Do you want to live in freedom? / yes no)
2. Fuwafuwa de mokomoko ni naritai / hai iie
(Do you want to be soft and fluffy? / yes no)
3. Kawaisugiru nekomimi mo shippo mo te ni iretai / hai iie
(Do you want to get super-cute cat ears and tail? / yes no)
[3] Literally, "lie down at the kotatsu". A kotatsu is a low table over a heat source. The word nekorobu "lie down" is misspelled using the word neko "cat".
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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