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- KAGARIBITO - Repairers of the deceptive world
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Repair the wonderful world with them. Always hope will shine our road, even though I disappear.] | Repair the wonderful world with them. Always hope will shine our road, even though I disappear.] |
fukinuke odoru kaze ni nori yoru no fuchi e kagayaku tsuki ga sono yokogao o toraeru tsumetaku hikaru hidarite wa nani o tsukamu | riding on the blowing dancing wind, she approaches the depths of the night. While the bright moonlight has captured the side of her face, what is she trying to seize with her coldly shining left hand? |
ishi no hi o katate ni kagari aruku owari nado mienai shikumi na no da kara tou koto wa akirame hitotsu-hitotsu | with the flame of her will, she walks on. Because it's a duty with no end in sight, she has ceased to ask why, but merely keeps working diligently. |
sugaru koto sae yurusarezu ni hiza o oru minamo ni utsuru TSUGIHAGI darake no karada utsusemi ni tou kore wa yume ka maboroshi ka | having nothing to let her cling to, she kneels down. Reflected on the water surface, with a body full of patches and stitches, she asks the mundane world: is this a dream or an illusion? |
kagaribi wa taorete sora o kogasu sekitaterareru you ni yurari arukidasu kodoku na hoshi no you ni kurikaeshite | the bonfire has fallen apart and is singeing the sky; awakened from her dream, she gets up and starts walking wobbly again. She repeats this cycle, just like the solitary sun in the sky. |
hoho nadeyuku kaze wa "oyasumi" to tsubuyaita | a breeze, caressing her cheeks, whispered to her "Good night." |
kakera ni modoru utsushiyo no kioku wa musan no setogiwa o imada mizu | returning to fragments, her memory of the present world remains foggy, and still has no sign of clearing up any time soon. |
katachi o tsunagu aenai mahou wa kakegae no nai inochi no kage | she has managed to retain her physical form with feeble magic, but that's merely a shadow clone of her irreplaceable once-and-only life. |
chi ni kaeru tamashii ni sasagu hanamuke nokosareta sekai ni wa fuchi-nashi no zetsubou to negawakuba shibaraku no eien o | which is a farewell gift for her soul that's returning to earth. Left behind in the world is boundless despair, as well as an eternity that, hopefully, will not last. |
Now destiny has become yours.] | Now destiny has become yours.] |
The title, "kagaribito", can (and does in this song) refer to either a tailor who patches up holes or a bonfire keeper.
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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