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- Nikola Tesla no kakushitsu - Nikola Tesla's Feud
Nikola Tesla no kakushitsu |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
nageita tte kawaru mon ka ne akkō zōgon ga mottō senobi suru sainō to sensu o | but it's not like complaining about it will help. My motto: hurling insults and slanders every which way. Also, making the best use of my talent and perceptivity. |
oshitsukeru na jōshiki nante sa konnan ja sewashinai na misetsukeru wa kyōki no heiki o | Don't you force that so-called "common sense" on me. This whole thing is making me kind of jittery. Here, let me show you my weapon of madness. |
mukachi nan de haite suteru no shisutemu o ugokashite hate no hate saishū chiten e to | has absolutely no value for me, so off it goes. I'm gonna get my system moving to get myself to that point of ultimate extremity. |
akuma ga toikakeru kedo "zentōyō, koshō ARI" to atama kakae nozonde miru yo | the devil remarked, to which I said: "Blame my malfunctioning frontal lobe." Holding my head in my hands, I'm gonna confront it all. |
dareka no tame ni ikite iku no." sō janaku yaritai koto yarasete kure yo zeitaku kai? | That's cute, but no. Just let me do what I want, come on. Is that too much to ask for? |
motomeru hodo ni ochite ikun da daraku no naraku ni ochiteku tōshindai no AI ga mitai yo | I'm gonna fall, down and down, all the way to the deepest level of hell. I just want to see the real me. And the real kind of love. |
mentaru o sosogikonde mo taisei wa kawannai na kanjō no meiro ni mayou | to spend my mental energy on my chronic self-harm tendency. In the end, I still end up lost in the maze of emotions. |
"kurutten no?" ga homekotoba sa kōsō ga jadō datte? omae nanka ni wakaru mon ka yo | "Are you crazy?" is actually a compliment to me. My mindset itself is heretic, you said? Funny how you assume you can understand me. |
kaerarenai kara jinrui o teimei suru sekai jōsei o hikkuri kaesu ze daitan ni | Since I can't change the past, I'm just gonna turn everything upside down: humanity itself, and this depressing state of our world. |
nasu beki ka de jibun no kachi ga kimatte shimau sekai nan de "osuki na yō ni, dōzo." | where one's own worth is determined by what you're supposed to do for the world. "Please, go ahead, do whatever you want." |
DAREKA NO TAME NI IKITE IRUN DA SONO TAME NI BOKU WA IKITE IRU DAKARA WAMEKU YO ITSUDATTE" | That's the sole reason for my existence. And that's why I'm forever crying out at the top of my lungs." |
kaetaku wa nai sō sa ima wa dekiru dake no ai o ageru tōshindai no AI ga mitai yo | Yes, that's the truth. For now, I'll give you all the love I have in me. 'Cause I just want to see the real me. And the real kind of love. |
Translated and transliterated by Hinamawari
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