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- Shinpakusuu #0822 - Heart rate #0822
Shinpakusuu #0822 |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Kitto kono yo wo ne, mankitsu shi owatteiru to omou'n da | I'm sure it must have fully enjoyed this world |
Kimi no tonari de sa, waraitsuzuketeitai to omou'n da | So that I won't have any regret when the time comes |
Ikiru imi nante sore de ii no (ii no) Mou hitotsu, mou hitotsutte onaji namida wo kazoete Bokura wa mata otagai wo shiru'n da | That's enough of a reason for me to live As we count the same tear over and over again, We will understand each other a little more |
Kasanaru oto to nagareru omoi wo Mou hanasanai to yakusoku shiyou Itsudemo kimi ga samishikunai you ni | Of these synchronizing sounds and streaming thoughts Let me promise never to leave you So that you won't ever have to feel lonely |
Nanajuu kai no ne, "ikiteiru" wo sakenderu'n da | My heart shouts "I'm living" 70 times |
Hyakujuu kai no ne, "aishiteiru" wo sakebu'n da | And shouts "I love you" 110 times |
Ikiru imi nante sore de ii no (ii no) Mou ichido, mou ichidotte onaji kokoro wo kasanete Bokura wa mata otagai wo shiru'n da | That's enough of a reason for me to live As we bring our feelings together, over and over again We will understand each other a little more |
Nani ka riyuu ga aru to suru naraba Unmei ka wa wakaranakute mo Ureshii koto ni kawari wa nai yo ne | For us to have met each other Then I don't know if it's fate or not But that doesn't change the fact that we're happy about it |
Ato nando "suki" to ieru no darou? Koko ni irareru koto ni kansha shiyou Tada ikiteiru koto ni arigatou. | I wonder just how many times I can still say "I love you" So let me be grateful for the fact that I can be here Thank you, simply for the fact that I'm alive. |
Kasanaru oto to nagareru omoi wo Aishitsuzukeru to yakusoku shiyou Shinpaku ga tomatte shimau made | Of these synchronizing sounds and streaming thoughts Let me promise to love you forever and ever Until my heartbeat completely stops |
This song was uploaded at 00:00 on August 22, 2010 to commemorate ChouchouP's first anniversary with his girlfriend.
Translated and transliterated by Hinamawari
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