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- Tenshi wa Tabidatsu - The Angel Takes Flight
Tenshi wa Tabidatsu |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Nakama no iu koto mo kikanai de | Despite whatever her friends tell her |
Mou nido to modorenai kedo... | Though she can never go back... |
Taiki no naka, kaze-tachi ga shukufuku suru yo | From within the atmosphere, the winds are sending you their regards |
Mou atomodori shinai, yume ni takaku takaku tobitatsu | Fly higher and higher into your dream, and don't ever turn back |
Nakitai toki mo aru no darou | And there may be times when you'd want to cry |
Tachidomatte wa irarenai | Because she can't afford to stand still |
Itami no naka, tori-tachi ga shukufuku suru yo | From within the pains, the birds are sending you their regards |
Mou furimuitari shinai, yume ni takaku takaku tobitatsu | So fly higher and higher into your dream, and don't ever look back |
Taiki no naka, kaze-tachi ga shukufuku suru yo | From within the atmosphere, the winds are sending you their regards |
Mou atomodori shinai, yume ni takaku takaku tobitatsu | Fly higher and higher into your dream, and don't ever turn back |
Mou furimuitari shinai, yume ni takaku takaku tobitatsu | So fly higher and higher into your dream, and don't ever look back |
Translated and transliterated by Hinamawari
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